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By Scott Kay

May 11 2021

Federal Budget – what you need to know

At 7:30pm tonight the government will announce the budget. They’ve even got a countdown timer at – 1. Tonight’s Budget 2. Past Budgets 3. Next Steps TONIGHT’S BUDGET A few things I’ll be watching for tonight: – Whether the $1,080 LMITO (the ‘Lamingon’/Low Middle Income Tax Offset) which is reduced from employees regular payslips, will be […]

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By Scott Kay

April 13 2021

Building & Pest Inspection For Property You Didn’t Buy

Property Purchased = Cost Base for Capital Gains Purposes You probably already know that the Building and Pest Inspection (and also your Conveyancing Costs) form part of your Cost Base for Capital Gains purposes. This means unfortunately that you do not receive an immediate tax deduction for them, but that they reduce your capital gain […]

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By Scott Kay

March 23 2021

Registering a Company and Trust

We set up a number of Companies and Trusts for our clients – here are some of the most asked questions (and things that we like to explain to ensure a smooth process). Each question is answered as concisely as possible. This means that many questions will refer to a definition in another question.   […]

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By Scott Kay

March 16 2021

How PAYG instalments work

PAYG quarterly instalment system – like a car! The PAYG instalment system is like a car. It is simple – it has an engine and it takes you places. While I don’t need to understand how the engine works, by doing certain things (like taking off slowly, not running the air conditioner at the bottom […]

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By Scott Kay

July 14 2020

Calculating ABN from ACN number

If you have an ACN (Australian Company Number) you may be waiting for an ABN (Australian Business Number). Sometimes you may be pressed by an entity to provide the ABN for the entity.   Short answer is: search the ABR or apply for your ABN (or chase up your accountant who is doing so for […]

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