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By Scott Kay

June 13 2021

Does your business have a CRM tool?

Having clean, up-to-date information and data about your customers is a vital part of running your business. But recording, tracking and accessing this customer information can be tricky if you don’t have the right tools to get the job done. Client relationship management (CRM) tools offer a fast and effective way to manage all of […]

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By Scott Kay

June 12 2021

The importance of having a business coach

It can be lonely at the top when you’re running your own business. As the owner manager, the buck stops with you and that can result in all the pressures of financial management, people management, strategy and business performance ending up on your shoulders. To ease this pressure, it’s helpful to have a business coach. […]

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By Scott Kay

June 11 2021

What do you want from your business?

When you started your business, you probably dreamed about flexible hours and highly profitable, stimulating work. Ideally, you would’ve adopted best practice and documented those dreams in a succinct Business Plan. The plan would specify how much cash you need from the business, your role, and the hours you’d be working. In other words, what […]

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By Scott Kay

June 10 2021

Should you buy or lease your business assets?

There are certain items of equipment, machinery and hardware that are essential to the operation of your business – whether it’s the delivery van you use to run your home-delivery food service, or the high-end digital printer you use to run your print business. But when a critical business asset is required, should you buy […]

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By Scott Kay

June 9 2021

Reduce debtor days and improve cashflow

Managing the gap between the receiving money into your business and paying money out of your business is vital for sustaining viability. Debtor days is the average number of days taken for a business to receive payment for goods or services. Keeping track of the average number of days for a business to receive payment […]

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By Scott Kay

June 8 2021

Digital marketing on a shoestring budget

Promoting your goods and services to potential customers is at the heart of running any successful business. And to advertise your brand in the modern world means diving into the world of digital marketing – i.e. online promotion activity for your business. 87% of consumers begin their search for a product online, according to recent […]

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