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Super increase to 10% from 1 July 2021 – what it means for your payslip?

All – New 10% Superannuation Rate 1 July 2021

Increase from 9.5% to 10% Super applies to wages paid from 1 July 2021.

Scenario A: Your contract is Y including super – less pay, more super
Scenario B: Your contract is X plus super – same pay, more super

Scenario A: Contract is X plus super – same pay, more super! You will receive an extra 0.5% into super.
i.e. Full Time $100,000 plus super – June payslip approx $6,249 net cash ($791.67 into super), July payslip same $6,249 cash ($829.55 into super).

Scenario B: Contract is Y including super – less pay, more super! Extra 0.5% into super BUT 0.5% less gross pay on your payslip (to which tax withheld would be applies).
I.e. Full Time $109,500 including super ($100k salary plus 9.5% super), June payslip approx $6,249 net cash per month (with $791.67 into super), July payslip would receive $6,224.12 net cash (with $829.55 into super)

Frequently Asked Questions:

Below are few FAQ –

1. Do I need to do anything with this information?

Ans – No. Your payroll specialist or employer update your payslips from July.

2. I want things how they were – can I ask my employer to leave it at 9.5%?

Ans – No. It is the law for employers to pay the legally required super which will increase to 10% for hours worked from 1 July 2021.

3. My mate doesn’t pay super – how come I do?

Ans – People who Contractor through a company can receive the full invoice amount without having super required to be paid on top.

Where the contractor is an individual/sole trader it depends whether super is required to be paid on top of the invoiced amount.

Basically – if there is an employment relationship, super could be deemed to be required to be paid on top of the individual invoiced amount.

For Example

1. You get a tradie to fix something inĀ  your house – no need to add super on top.

2. You pay $5k for your website – no need to add super on top.

3. You pay $500 a month to someone to assist you with marketing – it can depend based on the relationship whether there could be deemed to be an employment relationship.

4. You pay $30 per hour for someone to do tasks you assign them in your office – may be required to pay superannuation on top of the contracted amount as this sounds more like an employment arrangement.

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About Scott Kay

Integrity Plus Accounting

Scott Kay is currently a husband and father of one young daughter. He founded Integrity Plus Accounting over 4 years ago and has had his own clients for over 10 years. He has worked for 3 other accounting businesses and loves to help clients grow – in their business, their wealth, their mindset and their lives.